

Educating the people

Education profoundly changes people, youth, and adults by altering their parameters and visions of their world. Through education, people develop the required skills needed to transform communities, regions, and the world. Educated students in DUNYUN CDC’s programs create
deeper understandings of the relationships between organic growing, healthy eating, food security, leadership, black history, job opportunities, and the environment.

Building Transformed Lives

Offer educational programs with powerful components to disenfranchised adults and youth throughout the region. DUNYUN CDC transforms Groundswell Farm into a vibrant, exciting, hands-on, living classroom. Workshops, tours, job-career training, youth leadership development,
black farming history, and knowledge of good food and nutrition make-up the program’s offerings. Participants connect to growing space intern-educators and linked to role models and actual farm work. Data-driven evaluation measures and guides the programs’ evolution.


Dunyun CDC plans to raise money to support  the budgets of these programs. we will be hiring and training teachers and intern educators. We also plan to form partnerships with area educational institutions including marginalized public and charter schools, ISDs, and area colleges and universities to create and implement a media and publicity plan. We plan on choosing goals for programs and design a measurement and evaluation plan to provide accurate data describing program effectiveness, participant reaction, and goal achievement. We would like to survey all visitors, charting visitors’ likes and dislikes. After programming ends, we will accurately evaluate implementation and surveys, and make relevant

After three years, we plan to expand programming based on evaluation and survey analysis by:

1.   Include workshops, tours, job-career training, youth leadership development, black
farming history, and knowledge of good food and nutrition

2.   Expand publicity and media outreach

3.   Plan a budget to support education program objectives

4.   Raise needed funds

5.   Plan, implement and evaluate education program objectives